Revista do Herbário do Departamento de Ciências Florestais - ISSN 1808-2688

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS - Brasil

O gênero Pseudognaphalium Kirp. (Asteraceae-Gnaphalieae) no sul do Brasil

Abstract: Basically neotropical, the genus Pseudognaphalium Kirp. is distinguished from Gnaphalium s. str., by several authors, because it includes annual, biannual or perennial herbs, with oblong or large campanulate heads, monochromous involucral bracts and divided stereome (except to P. oligandrum (DC.) Hilliard & Burtt), as well as for having female florets more numerous than disc-florets, disposed in two or more series, beyond ovate to oblong achenes, sparsely hairy with short, clavate, myxogenic twin-hairs. Closely related to Achyrocline (Less.) DC., Pseudognaphalium differs for having more flowers in each head. Four species of Pseudognaphalium are presently known, one of which, Pseudognaphalium austrobrasilicum Deble & Marchiori, is here described. Descriptions, illustrations, the geographic distributions, the synonymity and a key for all taxa, are also furnished. Key words: Pseudognaphalium, southern brazilian flora, Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae.

Cinco novas espécies brasileiras do gênero Gamochaeta Weddel (Asteraceae-Gnaphalieae)

Abstract: In a recent review of the genus Gamochaeta Weddel, five new species was discovered in southern brazilian flora: Gamochaeta camaquaensis Deble, G. diffusa Deble & Marchiori, G. erecta Deble, G. girardiana Deble & An. S. de Oliveira and G. nigrevestis Deble & Marchiori. All species are described, illustrated and set apart from allied taxa. Key Words: Gamochaeta, Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae, new species, Brazil.

Achyrocline macella (Asteraceae-Gnaphalieae), nova espécie do Brasil

Abstract: In a recent review of the genus Achyrocline (Less.) DC. in Brazil, a new species was discovered – Achyrocline macella Deble & Marchiori –, that is here described and illustrated. Closely related to A. hyperchlora Blake, A. gertiana Deble & Marchiori and A. glandulosa Blake, the new species also have conspicuous glandular hairs on the leaves. This three taxa are commented and set apart from the new species. Key words: Achyrocline macella, Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae, new species

Um novo nome e duas novas combinações na tribo Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae)

Abstract: A new name – Gamochaeta chilensis Deble – is created to Gamochaeta foliosa (Phil.) Anderberg, because it is illegitimate. Two new combinations are proposed: Gamochaeta grazielae (Rizzini) Deble, to Gnaphalium grazielae Rizzini, and Pseudognaphalium cabrerae (S. E. Freire) Deble, to Gnaphalium cabrerae S. E. Freire. Key Words: Gamochaeta, Gnaphalium, Pseudognaphalium, new name, new combinations.

Herbário do Departamento de Ciências Florestais
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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