Revista do Herbário do Departamento de Ciências Florestais - ISSN 1808-2688

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS - Brasil

Uma nova espécie de Achyrocline (Less.) DC. (Asteraceae) do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)

Abstract:In the present paper, it is described and illustrated a new species of Asteraceae: Achyrocline luisiana Deble. Close to Achyrocline eriodes (Mattf.) Deble & Marchiori and A. marchiorii Deble, the new species is known only for the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). A key is furnished to set apart the southern-brazilian species of Achyrocline. Key words: Achyrocline luisiana, new species, Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae.

Novas espécies de Achyrocline (Less.) DC. Para o Brasil

Abstract:Two new brazilian species of Achyrocline (Less.) DC. are presently described and illustrated: A. ribasiana Deble & Marchiori, native in the State of Espírito Santo, and A. tombadorensis Deble & Marchiori, from the State of Bahia. Key words: Achyrocline ribasiana, Achyrocline tombadorensis, new species, Asteraceae.

Redução de Stenophalium A. Anderb. À sinonímia de Achyrocline (Less.) DC. (Asteraceae-Gnaphalieae)

Abstract: A comparison of morphological features (habit, leaf, indumentum, arrangement of synflorescence, receptacle, involucre, involucral bracts, missing or number of female flowers, glandular hairs on the achenes) that are commonly used to set apart Achyrocline (Less.) DC. from Stenophalium A. Anderb. shows a continuous variation, making impossible a clear separation between these genera. Stenophalium is presently reduced to the synonymity of Achyrocline and four new combinations are proposed: Achyrocline chionaea (DC.) Deble & Marchiori, Achyrocline eriodes (Mattf.) Deble & Marchiori, Achyrocline gardneri (Baker) Deble & Marchiori and Achyrocline heringeri (H. Rob.) Deble & Marchiori. illustrations of female flowers, hairs, style and
pappus are also furnished. Key words: Achyrocline, Stenophalium, Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae.

Anatomia do lenho de Heterothalamus psiadioides Lessing (Asteraceae-Astereae)

Abstract:The present work describes the wood anatomy of Heterothalamus psiadioides Less. (Astereae - Asteraceae). Photomicrographs and quantitative data of the anatomical features are also provided. Key words: Asteraceae, Heterothalamus psiadioides, wood anatomy.

Anatomia da madeira de Berberis laurina Billb.

Abstract:The wood anatomy of Berberis laurina Billb. is described and illustrated with photomicrographs. Key words: Wood anatomy, Berberidaceae, Berberis laurina.

Herbário do Departamento de Ciências Florestais
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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