Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia

Centro de Ciências da Saúde

Prédio 21 - UFSM

Artigos publicados em 2008/Articles published in 2008

Barcellos, L.J.G., Kreutz, L.C., Rodrigues, L.B., dos Santos, L.R., da Motta, A.C., Ritter, F., Bedin, A.C., da Silva, L.B., 2008. Aeromonas hydrophila in Rhamdia quelen: macroscopic and microscopic aspect of the lesions and antibiotic resistence profiles. Bol Inst Pesca 34, 355-363.

Benaduce, Ana Paula S / Kochhann, Daiani / Flores, Erico M M / Dressler, Valderi L / Baldisserotto, Bernardo. Toxicity of cadmium for silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) embryos and larvae at different alkalinities., Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 54 (2), p.274-282, 2008

Bochi, V.C.; Weber, J.; Ribeiro, C.P.; Victório, A.M.; Emanuelli, T.. Fishburgers with silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) filleting residue Bioresource Technology Volume 99, Issue 18, Pages 8844-8849, 2008.

Braun, N. ; Lima, R.L.; Della Flora, F. ; Lang, M.E.; Bauermann, L.F.; Loro, Vania L.; Baldisserotto, B. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles exposed to different dissolved oxygen levels. Ciência Animal Brasileira (UFG), v.9, n.3, p.811-814, 2008.

R. A. CARVALHO, I. C. MARTINS-SANTOS, A. L. DIAS. B chromosomes: an update about their occurrence in freshwater Neotropical fishes (Teleostei). Journal of Fish Biology Volume 72 Issue 8, Pages 1907 – 1932, 2008.

Cattaneo, R., Loro, V.L., Spanevello, R., Silveira, F.A., Luz, L., Miron, D.S., Fonseca, M.B., Moraes, B.S., Clasen, B., 2008. Metabolic and histological parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to commercial formulation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxiacetic acid (2,4-D) herbicide. Pestic Biochem Phys 92, 133-137.

Cericato, L.; Neto, J.G.M.; Fagundes, M.; Kreutz, L.C.; Quevedo, R.M.; Finco, J.; da Rosa, J.G.S.; Koakoski, G., Centenaro, L.; Pottker, E.; Anziliero, D.; Barcellos, L.J.G. Cortisol response to acute stress in jundia Rhamdia quelen acutely exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of agrichemicals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 148 (3), p.281-286, 2008

Cooke, R.; Jimenez, M. Pre-Columbian use of freshwater fish in the Santa Maria Biogeographical Province, Panama. Quaternary International, 185 (1), p.46-58, 2008.

Correa, L ; Kochhann, D ; Becker, A ; Pavanato, M ; Llesuy, S ; Loro, V ; Raabe, A ; Mesko, M ; Flores, E ; Dressler, V ; Baldisserotto, B. . Biochemistry, cytogenetics and bioaccumulation in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different thorium concentrations. Aquatic Toxicology, v. 88, p. 250-256, 2008.

Costa, M.M., Peixoto, R.D., Boijink, C.D., Castagna, L., Meurer, F., de Vargas, A.C., 2008. Sensibilidade antimicrobiana de bactérias isoladas de Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). Pesquisa Vet Brasil 28, 477-480.

Ferreira, D., Barcellos, L.J.G., 2008. Combined approach between better management practices and the mitigating stress management for fish culture. Bol Inst Pesca 34, 601-611.

Garcia, L.O., Copatti, C.E., Wachholz, F., Pereira, W., Baldisserotto, B., 2008. Freshwater temperature in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, and its implication for fish culture. Neotropical Ichthyology 6, 275-281.

Graeff, Á.; Tomazelli, A.; Pruner, E.N. Variação percentual e freqüencia de alimento fornecido no desenvolvimento final de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) na fase de pós-larvas Revista electrónica de Veterinaria, v. IX, n.8, 2008.

Hilbig, C.C.; Bombardelli, R.A.; Sanches, E.A.; Oliveira, J.D.S.; Baggio, D.M.; Souza, B.E. Efeito do chumbo sobre a fertilização artificial e incubação de ovos de jundiá cinza (Rhamdia quelen). Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. Maringá, v. 30, n. 2, p. 217-224, 2008

Kreutz, L.C.; Barcellos, L.J.G.; Silva, T.O.; Anziliero, D.M.; Martins, D.; Lorenson, M.; Marteninghe, A.; Silva, L.B. Acute toxicity test of agricultural pesticides on silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fingerlings. Ciencia Rural, v. 38, no. 4, p. 1050-1055, 2008.

Kuhn, C.R., Torres, L.M., Alfaro, A.D., Prentice-Hernandez, C., Soares, G.J.D., 2008. Rheological and physicochemical evaluation of thermal gelling of surimi from silver catfish. Pesqui Agropecu Bras 43, 1793-1798.

Lazzari, R., Radunz Neto, J., Pedron, F.A.; Veiverberg, C.A.; Bergamin, G.T.; Lima, R.L.; Emanuelli, T.; Steffens, C. Desempenho e composição dos filés de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) submetidos a diferentes dietas na fase de recria. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., Apr. 2008, vol.60, no.2, p.477-484.

Losekann, M.E.; Radünz Neto, J.; Emanuelli, T.; Pedron, F.A.; Lazzari, R.; Correia, V.; Bergamin, G.T.; Simões, R.S. Alimentação do jundiá com dietas contendo óleos de arroz, canola ou soja. Ciencia Rural, v.38, n.1, p.225-230, 2008.

Mabilia, R.G., de Souza, S.M.G., Oberst, E.R., 2008. The effects of diflubenzuron immersion bath on sperm of jundia Rhamdia quelen with Lernaea cyprinacea. Semin-Cienc Agrar 29, 661-665.

Melo, G.C., Donatti, L., Rudniki, C.A.M., Fanta, E., 2008. Hepatic alterations in the fish Rhamdia quelen contaminated with Folidol 600 (R). Ecotox Environ Safe 71, 821-829.

Mendiola, M.E., 2008. Rapid ecological assessment of tropical fish communities in a gold mine area of Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical 56, 1971-1990.

Miron, D.S.; Moraes, B.; Becker, A.G.; Crestani, M.; Spanevello, R.; Loro, V.L.; Baldisserotto, B. Ammonia and pH effects on some metabolic parameters and gill histology of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae). Aquaculture, 277 (3), p.192-196, 2008

Parra, J.E.G., Radünz Neto, J., Veiverberg, C.A., Lazzari, R., Bergamin, G.T., Pedron, F.D., Rossato, S., Sutili, F.J., 2008. Alimentação de fêmeas de jundiá com fontes lipídicas e sua relação com o desenvolvimento embrionário e larval. Ciencia Rural 38, 2011-2017.

Pedron, F.A. et al . Cultivo de jundiás alimentados com dietas com casca de soja ou de algodão. Pesq. agropec. bras. , Brasília, v. 43, n. 1, pp. 93-98, 2008

Rocha, C.B., Pouey, J.L.O.F., Lopes, P.R.S., Enke, D.B.S., Xavier, E.G., 2008. Phytase enzyme suplementation on performance and mineral retention in bones of silver catfish juveniles (Rhamdia quelen). Bol Inst Pesca 34, 151-157.

Rosas-Valdez, R., de Leon, G.P.P., 2008. Taxonomic composition of the helminth parasites of ictalurids and heptapterids (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) in Mexico, with a hypothesis of biogeographical primary homology. Rev Mex Biodivers 79, 473-499.

Sánchez, Sebastián; Santinón, Juan José; Hernández, David Roque; Roux, Juan
Pablo; Domitrovic, Hugo Alberto Cría de bagre sudamericano (Rhamdia quelen) en
estanques luego de diferentes períodos de retención del crecimiento a tres densidades de siembra. Revista electrónica de Veterinaria, v. IX, n. 4, 2008.

Silva, L.B.; Barcellos, L.J.G.; Quevedo R.M.; Souza, S.M.G.; Kessler, A.M.; Kreutz, L.C.; Ritter, F.; Finco, J.A.; Bedin, A.C. Introduction of jundia Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard) and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) increases the productivity of carp polyculture in southern Brazil. Aquaculture Research Volume 39 Issue 5, Pages 542 – 551, 2008.

Soso, A.B., Barcellos, L.J.G., Ranzani-Paiva, M.J., Kreutz, L.C., Quevedo, R.M., Lima, M., Da Silva, L.B., Ritter, F., Bedin, A.C., Finco, J.A., 2008. The effects of stressful broodstock handling on hormonal profiles and reproductive performance of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard) females. J World Aquacult Soc 39, 835-841.

Vargas, R.J.; Souza, S.M.G.; Kessler, A.M.; Baggio, S.R. Replacement of fish oil with vegetable oils in diets for jundiá (Rhamdia quelen Quoy and Gaimard 1824): effects on performance and whole body fatty acid composition. Aquaculture Research, 39, 657-665, 2008.

Vargas, R.J., Souza, S.N.G., Mabilia, R.G., Carlet, F., Baggio, S.R., 2008. Physiological response of experimental challenge of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Fouquet, 1876) in jundia (Rhamdia quelen Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) fingerlings rather fed with different lipid sources. Rev Bras Parasitol V 17, 81-86.

Weber, J.; Bochi, V.C.; Ribeiro, C.P.; Victorio, A.M.; Emanuelli, T. Effect of different cooking methods on the oxidation, proximate and fatty acid composition of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fillets. Food Chemistry, 106 (1), p.140-14

Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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